Pieces of Meeks

Friday, September 30, 2005

Finally Friday...

I am glad it is Friday. The weekend forecast looks pretty great too! I have been wanting so badly to decorate my house and yard for fall but I cant motivate myself to be out in the 104 degree weather...that doesnt feel very fallish to me. But this weekend is supposed to me mid 80's which will feel like 60's after 104 !I need to get up in the attic and locate my fall wreath and my tub that has all my fall decor in it. My mom gave me this cute little "pumpkin kid" that I am going to put by my front door. I also want to get pumpkins and some mums if lowes has them out already. I love fall it is my favorite time of year. I wish it would go ahead and get here.
Here are some pictures of little girl one in her tutu that her mimi gave her and one in a little outfit that Jeremy's mom had bought for Jeremy to take to the hospital in case he was a girl. I think her little smile is so sweet in that one. Hope you enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Happy Birthday Chloe...

I cant belive it has been two months since my beautiful little girl came into thisorld. I REALLY cant believe it! She is such a sweet and happy baby. Her daddy and I love her more than we ever thought possible.
Yesterday at day care they told us that she was the only "happy" baby and that she was happy all day. That made me feel good.
I will post this picture just because I think it is so cute. It shows just a little bit her cute personality.
Look at her sweet little face. I am such a proud mommy. I feel so blessed to have such a sweet good healthy baby. I delivered at thirty eight weeks and I am so lucky that it went so well. Those who read my blog pray for a lady named Julie Whaley she was pregnant just like me and had a baby just like me not knowing anything was wrong, Noah Whaley was born and the passed away ten days later. I cant imagine how much she aches to smell him and kiss his little cheeks. I miss Chloe when I am away from her during the day. Just pray for her amazing strength through her struggle!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chloe Update...

Tomorrow Chloe will be two months old...It is already going by to quickly. We took pictures of her last night and so I thought I would post so everyone could see how she has changed. She is a happy baby and always content. Infact we didnt even have our fussy time last night. Hope you enjoy the pictures

Monday, September 26, 2005

On the road again...I can wait...

We just came back from another weekend out of town. It was fun but admitedly more stressful for me. I wasnt "at home" in my old house with my parents so I always feel a bit disjointed at others peoples homes. Chloe girl had her 8 weeks shots on Thursday as well and so she was still a bit fussy and uncomfortable especially with all the people around that wanted to hold her and all the running around it was hard for her to relax. It also changed her eating patter which always worries me a bit when my good little eater becomes a little bit finicky. But last night after we got home Jeremy fed her a full bottle and some cereal which she thouroghly enjoyed and after a big burp she laid happily in her bed and fell asleep while mommy worked putting away all of her goddies from her very prosperous baby shower.
It was actually very sweet when I laid her down and made me feel good that she recognizes her room. Last weekend I finally got to see the beautiful and so precious quilt that my moms best friend made BY HAND for Chloe. It has the most beautiful fabrics and the most preciouse puppy with floppy ears. I could stand folding and putting it way where we couldnt admire it so I hung it so that puppy is hanging in her crib and she can look at all the bright colors. Last night after I changed her crib sheet and got all of her new stuffed animals position back in her bed I laid her down and she looked all around her bed, saw her quilt, breathed deeply and fell into a deep sleep until this morning. I think it was ultimate relief to be back in her bed. I knew how she felt though. I was so glad to be back in my house with my kitchen and bathroom and space. I am a homebody which I can thank my dad for, as he is one too. So getting back to my house is always a relief for me, and now even more with a little one.
As I said earlier she had a shower this weekend but I feel terrible because in all the comotion I forgot to take a picture of her in her shower dress. It was the cutest Ralph Lauren dress I got for $9.50 on sale...(go me) It was green stripped with smocking with little pink roses. It had two layers with a little lining so it made it full and a little white collar. She looked like the sweetest little angel baby. The preacher at the church said he wanted to eat her cheeks off...I understand James. That poor baby has me attached to those little cheeks all the time. Infact I think that is what I miss most while I am at work. Sucking her little cheeks, while breathing her sweet little lavendar smell in. Oh babies are great!
Well back at work on another manic monday and lunch is now officially over. So I must return to my design work. Happy Monday!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Struggling today...

It was SO hard to drop her off this morning at day care, all though she didnt seem to mind as she flopped fast asleep in her crib that I have equipped with stuffed animals and blankies that smell like home. My dad has always told me to do what I feel I have peace from the Lord about, but honestly I dont know what I feel a peace about when it comes to this issue. I feel sad and melancholy about leaving her all day...ALL DAY!! I feel irritated that someone else gets to enjoy my baby all day and that they probably dont enjoy but just care for. But I feel anxious and fearful about giving up an entire income, car and gas and insuranace. It just feels like alot when you start to take it all away and I am just left at home. I love my job and the income, but I definately love my baby more. It is just a daily struggle. I pray and I pray and I dont feel an answer from the Lord yet. Maybe no answer is the answer. Maybe the peace is that I can continue to take her to work and not worry about her since I feel good about the day care she is at. Sometimes I just wish my phone would ring and God would be on the other end and say, "ok Katie here is what I want you to do. This is the best thing for your life." But I just have to listen for that still small voice and hope that I am hearing it correctly. Right now I feel like I am even though I miss her little cheeks and her smell and her cute smiles that she has started giving me and listening to her coo and talk to me. She is such a sweet little happy baby, with the exception from about 9-10:30 every night when she just wants to be held constantly...but I really dont mind that either. I couldnt ask for more and the Lord has blessed me so much with my beautiful family and a wonderful job and employer, maybe that is the peace. All is well and good and I should say thank you and that be enough of an answer. Who knows...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Our first day of school...

Chloe started at day care today, or as I like to call it "school" it makes it sound better to me and doesnt make me feel like a bad mom. Then I feel like she is learning and not just being babysat by someone other than me. I went and fed her at lunch, this little one sleeps so much I am not even sure she realizes I am gone, I hope not anyways, it would crush me if she thought I had left her forever! She did so good and was so brave...unlike her mom who cried the next two blocks to work. I hope each day gets easier. There is only four little ones in her class right now so she gets some extra special love and attention. Plus she is so cute that the teacher likes her. She is a wonderfully content baby and loves to eat and look at dad and I from about 9-12 at night. She didnt get the memo that night time is for sleeping. Apparantly in the nursery at the hospital she was mis informed by another baby! Her hair is not falling out but it is getting longer, bows are more possible and since her face is filling out so nicely they are looking really cute on her:) I am sure all the baby news is boring. With all that said about day care, it is sure good to be back at work. I go crazy being trapped in the house for to long and everyone seems glad to have me back which makes me feel really good. So the days plot along as she turned six weeks today!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Not Much To Say

Mommys favorite

Nothing exciting to say just a few photos so everyone can see how much she is changing. She is getting bigger and more beautiful everyday. We are obsessed with taking her picture. My favorite picture is the one of her sitting up. Such a sweet angel face.