Pieces of Meeks

Monday, May 12, 2008

I Was Tagged!

I have never been tagged before- it was so exciting. So thank you Wendy, for giving me something to blog about that doesnt involve real estate, work or uterusus. :)

What FIVE skills or hobbies would you learn if you had unlimited time, money and tools?

1. Sewing- at the risk of sounding like Donna Reed I have always wanted to be able to whip up a cute pillow or curtains. I mean I seriously paid good money to some people here in town to whip up a two fabric panel curtain! I mean think of all the cute girl clothes I could whip up.

2. Working out- just cant stay committed. I really really wish I loved lifting weights and stuff and could have a trainer to hold me accountable so that I could have a super hot body- sorry J- like I said, no love for it at all.

3. Decorating- I have an okay eye for this and love to put together and atmosphere, but the questions was with unlimited tools and money- that is the tricky part.

4. Baking/Cooking- I am with Wendy. I can cook most anything I think and I love to entertain at the house, but I would love to have more time to do it and make it really special with "table scapes" and matching dishes and a neat atmosphere. There is that money thing again though! Plus I would want to upgrade all my kitchen tools and stuff so that I could be really good!

5. And my dark secret one is gymnastics. I did it for many many years and LOVED it. I stayed in shape and was pretty good at it. Truth be told I contacted a gym here- pre pregnancy of course- and told them that I wanted to start up again. They asked me my age and then sat silent because there classes stop at 18. Talk about making a woman feel old. So I actually have the time and the money for this small hobby apparantly I just dont have the right birth year! :)


At 6:11 AM , Blogger Allison said...

HEY!!! Hope you are feeling well!!! Ya'll coming any this summer? I'd love to see you guys, or have ya'll over for dinner!!

Talk to you later!

At 6:43 AM , Blogger Kara said...

i love the gymnastics one! too funny!


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