Pieces of Meeks

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Put on Your Easter...uh...Playing Bonnet

Here are some recent pictures of the kid. She is finally getting over the crud and we are all so glad. The RSV caused an ear infection which caused great lacks of sleep for all. It is all finally cleared up and we are all back to sleeping. These pictures were taken while playing in our excersaucer, sometimes a girl just needs to wear a hat when she plays. There is not much to blog about unless you find copies, cars or coughs interesting information so I will just let you all enjoy the new pictures without details of jobs or sickies.I would like to point out that we do bathe our child but she is sporting a nice drool ring in these pictures...compliments of our two bottom teeth trying to come in.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tending to my own

Watching your child be sick is the hardest thing a parent can do. It makes you question every ounce of good you thought about your parenting skills. It makes you want to quit your job so that they never spend another day out in the world and risk getting sick. You question even your better judgement that tells you that you are a good mom. If your baby is sick then how can you be a good mom. Arent you supposed to protect them against EVERYTHING bad in this world. If you havent figured it out our litte precious is sick...AGAIN. My sister does her best to comfort me and tell me that it is her age, everything in the mouth no matter how hard you try. And not that I dont appreciate all the comfort, but it just doesnt make you feel better about your sick baby.

She is lathargic and wraspy, she is achy and fussy with fever. The doctor did the RSV test (the least fun I have ever had and the only time I have cried in front of a doctor as a grown up) We are doing breathing treatments which is the most pitiful thing that you have ever seen. There is nothing worse than not being able to stop an ache, a cough, a fever, watery eyes or a stuffy nose. There is no harder job than being a mom to a sick baby, but it is a job I would never quit.

I have the most helpful husband and he is wonderful in trying to give me a break after a long day with her. He helps feed and bathe and change diapers and he hurts just as bad as I do. I couldnt ask for a better, or more wonderful sweet husband. He is a prince...and a handsome prince at that. He offers to take off work, but I just cant leave her all knowing she doesnt feel good. When she is not laughing and talking my heart is sad. When I hear that little cough I ache. I cannot imagine Joe and Laura and their battle and I cannot imagine what takes over in a mommy to watch doctors work on your child and do things that hurt him that you know help him. I remember very vividly when my brother was my nephews age visiting Texas Children's Hospital while he stayed there recovering from a septic hip. I remember showing up right before he went into surgery. I remember what that hallway looked like and the waiting room. I remember him wearing an IV. I remember being nine or ten and not getting it. Not understanding why my moms face was full of fear in that waiting room. She says an angel touched her and told her that she should go check on him upstairs. As wonderful as my husband is there is just something that God puts in a mommy to know and feel pain when their babies are. To not rest easy if the baby doesnt seem just right. He stirs a mommies soul to know that she needs to tend to that baby.
I am blessed and she will get better soon, but tonight she is not well and so I am not well. I am like a mommy bear protecting her young. I sleep by her with one I open, checking that breathing, listening intently at every cough, wiping every runny nose. Tending to my own.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


I have a six month old...she is teething...IT SUCKS. I could end my post there and most mommies would understand what I mean. Nothing more said needed. Dont get me wrong I feel sorry enough for my little angel who is dealing with the discomfort of those pesky teeth, but this post is more about me, and the fact that I havent slept more than 5 hours any night this week. She cannot get comfortable which means I cannot get comfortable. She has also made the decision this week that she is a TOTAL momma's girl. Not to say that I am not thrilled to have won the award since I did carry her for 10 months in me, but for her it means all the time...just me! So we are currently at our house working full time jobs, trying to remember each other's name and developing new stages with a six month old. There isnt much else to update because even though we are busier than we have ever been it is something of a bore to have to read about our daily grind.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Pictures of the Peanut

Nothing exciting to report around the Meeks house. Just new pictures we thought everyone would like to see.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Still Here...Still Crazy

Yesterday I had a friend ask me if I had fallen off the planet. This was due to the fact that I havent blogged in a few days. Yep, I am still here. It was a very busy weekend and week for us and I guess blogging just wasnt top priority. My parents came into town this past weekend. We always have so much fun with them and it makes us want to live closer. Probably more now than ever so that they can see Chloe grow. But God has planted us here currently and until we feel an urging from here, here we will stay. We ate at a new resturant here in town and it was a beautiful atmosphere. A little pricey in my opinion but your paying for the "ambiance". Then on Sunday, little bit got sick. It was a first in our 5 1/2 months but still no fun. I hate to see her that way. I just kept thinking of Joe and Laura and how they must hurt watching Ira fight and not being able to do anything. She got better but I missed two days of work...the two busiest days. This resulted in sheer pandemonium when I came back. Oh well! Atleast it makes me feel needed. I am beginning to see some pieces of my desk again as I sort through my tasks at hand. I am just glad peanut is better. The doctor said it had been going around and that she could have got it from day care or just being out, so we will never know...sterilize, sterilize! I changed all sheets, chloroxed everything and made sure the house was spic and span so that all germs were gone. Day care said that they do the same. I believe them. It is a wonderful place to leave your children and I feel a peace about her being there. They are so sweet to her. You cant prevent illness, she is at such a germy age because we put EVERYTHING in our mouth! I watch and watch but she will suck on her toe is she has too. We try to keep the passy in at all times but I am worried she is going to have passy withdrawl one day when it finally has to go away. She has developed such a precious and funny personality. She has always been a sweet baby and a good baby, but know she knows she is funny too. She growls at us and loves to look at herself in the mirror and talk to herself. She is enjoying her Johnny jumper and bumbo now because they make her feel BIG. She is sitting on her own and the johnny jumper allows her to stand like she is big. Needless to say it is a big diaper that hangs from a ginormous spring from inside a door, but heck, she doesnt know that and will bounce herself and scream until she falls asleep in it. We love it! Her being sick caused her sleeping pattern to get off and so she is waking up alot, but we will survive and get her back on schedule. I hope this post has sufficently updated all two of you who read these ramblings of our boring, but busy life.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Can You Believe it...

Last night we ate dinner with our good friends the Fuquas. Summer and I went through pregnancy about as close as two friends could. Our kids (how wierd does that still sound) were born almost exactly two months to the day apart. Chloe on the 28th and Ethan on the 1st. It seems like just yesterday we were sitting at the stoplight of Sayles and 11th and Summer telling us she was pregnant. Or us calling them at their house and telling them we were pregnant after we thought it wasnt possible. Last night as I sat around the table with these precious friends, I couldnt believe how far we have come. From playing joker and wahoo, and eating Shakes and Wingstop. To eating Wingstop (yeah ... like we would give up wingstop) and the loading up the car seats to head home. I think there will come a day again when we can play games again and watch movies, but it seems like the babies have other plans for us in the evening. I look at Chloe (5 months) and Ethan (7 months) and wonder where the time went. It seems like yesterday resting Ethan on my pregnant belly waiting for our precious arrival, and now here we are full fledged moms and dads of teethers, tooters and droolers. I posted some pictures of Gracie below so those that follow these little "piece of Meeks" can see how she has changed. I wish you could all hear her talk and watch the world. One day she will be sitting at a computer blogging about how she cant believe how life has changed. Summer it seems like a month ago we were eating at Schlotskys and complaining about indegestion.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

First let me say congrats to our good friends who welcomed their new little boy into the world. He was the first born in our town in 2006. We are so happy for you guys! My sister told me once before Chloe got here that she was jealous I was getting to have that day...delivery day. My sister has three kids and has gone through it, so I didnt quite understand. Now I do. There is nothing like meeting your child for the first time. It is the best day of my life. I am jealous for our friends today...but really more happy for them.
Then there are those who have to meet and say goodbye to their child on the same day or shortly there after. I hurt for these people. That is all I can think to say. I physically hurt for them. Through my blogging adventures I have come in contact with two families who have had to endure more than their share of CRAP this year. One is still dealing with the emotions from loosing their little boy and the other is standing at their child's bedside watching and waiting. All I can do is pray. I feel so hopeless. I wish I could pick up Joe and Laura out of their situation and save them from more pain. As my dad put it "this is by far the most difficult thing any person will ever go through." Then I wish I could help Julie not feel that hurt anymore. But I cant I can just pray for comfort. That is one thing I realized through hearing all these stories is that God is a God of comfort. It still at times makes you feel like there is nothing right to say. You cant take away the hurt or the pain and words are just never enough. So I will keep on praying.