Today, Tomorrow, Everyday...
I have been ok with being pregnant up to this point, maternity clothes have not bothered me all that bad...BUT today I hit a slump, while wearing a black skirt with tall black boots I looked down at my knees and they look fat and white. I am longing to wear a chunky black belt, my size four boot cut jeans and just feel normal, even if only for a day. I am ever looking forward to her arrival and if this is what it takes to get her here I am game, but I have a longing today to just be me, Katie, before fat, before frumpy, before boring, before requires 20 hours of sleep to function. I am not a drinker, but I even wouldnt mind one of those, something, anything that puts me back into normal society. I am tired of juice, milk and water, and I am tired that i cant love a vanilla coke without hours of punishing indegestion. I know there are only three more months, I know that this is short lived and that she will be beautiful and worth it all, but today I want to ignore all of that and just wish that I could roll over in bed with out bladder effort or heaving and groaning like a big cow. Well, it is not everyday for the rest of my life, but I feel that way right now...oh to shop in normal stores, wear normal underwear and fasten a belt again! The woes of pregnancy, i will not burden you anymore with my complaining, to my blog community who reads this little piece of Me...eks, I am sorry this is what you get today!