Pieces of Meeks

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Love My New Job

I have been dealing with feelings of inadequcy ever since I started at the courthouse here in Abilene. I begin to tell myself that I wasnt worth training or for that matter being talked to like a grown woman, except for a select few. Then I took the teaching job which I enjoyed but was merely a babysitter for teenagers. I took this new job and time has flown by, I have already been here a month and a half and I can t believe it. I love it, I love my boss, the owner, the GM and most of the salespeople, everyone is great to me. And even better, they talk to me like a grown up...who knew. I know Chloe is on her way and will be here before I know it, and I have struggled with being a "working mom", (I hate that term...evey mom works) but as I have made myself more at home in this environment I realize that there are great things my daughter can learn from her "working mom" The first that comes to mind is organization, to get me, Jeremy, and her all ready to walk out the door and to get us all home, fed and in bed will be quite to organizational feat! She will probably know how to use a palm pilot at a young age and she will see me be respected and the value of a college education...thanks mom and dad! There will be things that I am sure she will "miss out" on...morning cartoons, relaxing days with her mommy...which I will still be even from my office, I dont know all of them, but I would like to think that she will be independent, business savy (later in life), college minded or career minded and also see that you can love one man for the rest of your life, fall madly in love, have a baby and a career and still be a good wife and mother. I guess that is my prayer, not for acceptance of me being a working mom, but that it teaches her strong work ethic and that she is proud of me. Jeremy is always proud of me, I waiver on my opinion of myself, but as long as Chloe is that is all that matters to me. And I am more reassured that with job where I am respected, busy, liked, and rank higher in the "food chain" she can see those things. I remembe watching my dad and admiring what he did and that he was a "business man" and a godly one at that! I loved playing office as a little kid, and so it is no wonder that I work in one. But being a mom, will be great and I hope that being a "working" one will be okay as well. Well off to a meeting where I can pretend to be important.


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