Pieces of Meeks

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Good Saturday Morning to you...

Well, sometimes I am under the allusion that "nothing" really happens in my life. Some might know what I mean, but my mom will call and say, "so what has been going on with you?" To which my reply will be, "not much, same ol' same ol'" I started thinking last night, thank God for "same ol', same ol'" It is just fine with me. We went with our friends last night to eat at this little place called the Pizza House it is in Blaird (clyde and baird) and we ate our little pizza and then watched Salt Creek perform. It was so much fun spending Friday night with our best friends, doing nothing to exciting, just enjoying the company.
Yesterday at work (old work) I announced to my students that this Thursday would be my last day. I actually cried while doing it, and I felt like such a sap, but when I finished I had most of my girls who I havent had to give detention to, come up and tell me how much they love me and how they are going to miss me. I guess that is what being a good teacher is about, making your students love you. These girls have it rough and I have learned in the short time I was there that sometimes you have to love people inspite of themselves. Not to say that there arent those that I want to shake or even beat, but I never have and sometimes a hug works just as good. I read BST's blog about Hotel Rowanda, and I must admit I have always prayed that God would never call me to the mission field somewhere else, you know, just let me work here in America. After reading his blog, I realized that I have been on a mission field here, at this school. And I am not sure that it is so much about preaching God's words but just showing them His love. Most of them dont have daddies, and if they do it is more of a man that has abused them in some way. They have never learned to value themselves. I remembering reading an article once, I think my Bro-n-law gave it to me, about the importance of the daddy to a little girl, in her quest for self worth. Having not ever seen the other side of what I could have, I didnt really get it, but now I do. I am so thankful for my daddy and his love and support, and the fact that even when I hated it he would stare at me in the rearview mirror and tell me what a pretty woman I was turning out to be. I called home last night to say hello and my dad answered, such a calming sound to me, he laughed with me for a minute, told me about his new bike and then told me how much he loved my mom. Such a great thing in the simple things. the everday ordinary things that you think are the same ol same ol of life.
One quick reply to BF, dowrys from my knowledge of them, have never included electronics, so nice try on that one, I dont think they include harleys, or large sums of money either, but the farm animals I can go with...we have Toby, he looks very similar to a goat, will you accept that as Chloe's dowry? :)


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