Pieces of Meeks

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


If you have spent any time at all with our little family, you would know that most of the time we are accompanied by Chloe's little friend "Raffe." Chloe since being a baby, has loved the one floppy, soft animal that happens to be a giraffe. She sleeps with him, carries him to school, and has rubbed his poor little tail until it is now a nappy little mess. I tried to replace Raffe one time with a new "clean" Raffe, but I failed and now that Raffe is refered to as "the utter one." So, I have washed the original Raffe so much that he now holds no more of the little beads that made him floppy, he has a whole in his chest from little fingers picking at him, and he occassionally is attacked by a killer pug named Lilly, before Chloe freaks and mommy runs to the rescue. I give you all the back history for a reason. Since the Great Love of 2005 began Chloe is obsessed with everything Giraffe. The ones at the zoo, the only blanket she likes is Giraffe print, and the other day at the mall when I was drooling over the new Dooney and Burke Giraffe print purse, she cried ALMOST as hard as I did, when we couldnt get it because it was $425!!! So for halloween it seemed only fitting when my sweet friend Summer ran across the Gymboree Giraffe costume on sale that it would be the perfect costume for her this year. Well she couldnt look cuter and so I will get to the reason you all come here...the pictures! Happy Giraffeoween!

Monday, October 22, 2007

"Quick, Quick!"

That is the statment that Chloe makes to me when she is wanting to do something that I dont want her to do, i.e., "Chloe don't go outside to give the dogs a treat, you will get dirty and we are running late." To which she replies, "Momma, I will be real quick quick." I feel as though this scenario could also play out something like this, "Chloe don't grow up, please stay my little girl forever." "But momma, it will be real quick, quick." And it is....

Chloe is almost two and a half, and as I look back I cant figure out where it has gone. What is even worse, is that my two year old doesnt act like a baby, she acts like a 16 year old. I remember telling Jeremy, that when Chloe is three or so I would like to have another baby...well three is almost here, and I just cant be ready. Not because I dont want another baby, but because as soon as that baby is here, this precious time with our first born all by herself is gone.

It is bittersweet to watch your child grow up. I never quite knew why my parents couldnt just "let go", but now I do. Even though she has only been with us a short two years, she has changed our lives forever. Her smiles, her dancing, the converstations we get to have at dinner, everything has changed. I had to call Jeremy the other day at work to let him know that Chloe had poo pooed in the pottie twice that day. He said what I was thinking, "wow how our phone calls have changed." Chloe has changed everything. She has made me feel more love that I ever thought I could. Love for her, love for her daddy. It is easy to love your children, but when you see how the man you marry loves her and will try his hardest to fix the hair bow at the football game, or will walk so that she can better see the cheerleaders despite the fact it is not the best view of the game, or hold her little hands as she says her prayers; you find a love with him like you have never known. Jeremy is the best daddy. He will forego hunting, to shoe shop and spend his Friday nights playing "Baby Stella" instead of watching ESPN.

Life is forever changed, and as Chloe would say it all happened so "quick, quick." There are times before Chloe was born that I wonderend how would be married for 50 years, and times that I was scared of the next months trying to figure out marriage, but after Chloe I can imagine being the mommy of any other little girl, or the wife of any other copier salesman. I just wish it didnt have to go so "quick, quick."

This weekend was our alma mater's homecoming and she loved the game, the cheerleaders and the idea of seeing where mommy and daddy went to school. Never before in the last 4 years have I been proud of where I went to school. I mean I liked college and all, but I didnt bleed purple and white. Until this weekend, when we stood on the campus where I met my little girls father and we began our life together. A life that God has not only saved, at times, but has blessed more than I ever deserve. As we swung on the swing last night, it was almost to much to take in. I am the luckiest woman in the world.

Here is a picture of our little wildcat....she is showing you her paw print, with the signature Chloe smile. And just a teaser, she will be starting gymnastics in January, so as you can imagine there will be alot more great picture to come, i.e., Chloe in a leotard!

Monday, October 01, 2007


I get it. I am a terrible blogger. Well that isnt completely true, I read everyone else's blog I just dont update my own. And honestly I didnt realize how long it had been since I had updates and felt terribly gulity after looking at it tonight. So...here it goes. First I was tagged by Wendy to give 8 things about myself:

1. I was really, really short all my life and actually had to take growth hormone to be the whopping 5 foot 6 I am today.
2. I have terrible skin. For whatever reason the skin God gave me on my face has been trying to reject me since I was 16! (Thank you microderm!)
3. Jeremy and I broke up alot while we were dating.
4. I have had four different settings for my wedding ring. DONT ASK...just know I have really bad luck and you should never take me to Vegas with you.
5. In reference to number 4, I loathe gambling. I dont know if it because I could never win, but if you really want to gamble your money away just give it to me.
6. I have a serious obsession with buy awesome shoes and bags. I mean I really probably need help!
7. My daughter is named after my grandmother Clotile, her name is just Chloe though. And if you ever met my grandmother you would know why...she is absolutely the greatest woman!
8. J and I were told we couldnt have children (due to #1) and were in the late stages of adopting when I found out I was pregos!

So there you go blog world. I have updated. Alot has been going on around the house and with me personally but it is just to much to get into at 10:3o at night, but just know that I will be back. And if you want me back I seriously suggest you leave a comment, because I am getting tired of updating this thing for Wendy and Summer I can call them on the phone~! :)

Clarification: I recieved a comment and re read what I had posted, to clarify the time in which I was pregos was the last one when I was pregnant with Chloe. So calm down people no new little Meeks on the way...yet. :)