As Promised what if they are six months late!
I wanted to post some pictures of our sweet little girl. She tells everyone she is 2 and 1/2 and it struck me the other day when we got our friend Ethan's invitation- oh my goodness, she is turning three in two months. How time flies when you are having fun, and we truly are. She is hysterical and keeps us laughing all the time. She makes up words when she cant think of the right one and is completely obsessive about things happening "as they are supposed to." She is a schedule junkie just like her momma!
We are anxioulsy awaiting the arrival of baby Tucker in just about 8 weeks (no- I havent made up my mind yet about his name) and Chloe asks daily if he is coming out today. Here is a conversation we had on the way home from school the other day:
Chloe: "When will Tucker come out"
Mommy: "In August- right after your birthday when you turn 3."
Chloe: (thinking- not sure when August is)
Mommy: (more clarification) "When you turn three on July 28 baby Tucker will be here just a few days later. It will be like a birthday present for you!" (smiling big trying to envoke excitment)
Chloe: (Long pause) "well - lip smack- will I get other presents too?"
So as you can tell we have lots of laughter at our house and that is good for her daddy and I. It is hard to imagine having two to love this much, but I cant wait.
House Update: We have an offer and a contract- it isnt perfect- but hey beggars cant be choosers so we ask for your prayers that it all falls into place, the inspection goes smoothly and that we are able to close in July as planned.
Now for the pics-
Sweet Pose for Daddy

Turned Silly Face Fillin' up Mater- her gas doesnt cost $4.00 a gallon