Pieces of Meeks

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Since it has been a while since I last posted, and since my last posts were about something that was completely gross and disgusting, I decided to post again with just a Meeks family update and some new pictures of our very sweet and very big little girl.

Jeremy is back at work like I said in the previous post and there is nothing more to report on that...thank God! I had my fill of butts and bandages. :)

I am back at work just 3 days a week and Chloe is going to school. My schdule is flexible and so I am really loving just being able to have a few days to do some "grown up" stuff. My boss is an awesome guy and so I really enjoy being back working for him

Now about our little one. I cant believe in almost 4 months she will be 2!!! It makes me sad to have seen her grow so quick, but I feel so blessed to have such a happy healthy and outspoken little girl. She is now speaking in sentences which completely blows mine and J's mind. She recently got a new hair cut because her hair just wont stop growing and had this wierd nappy section at the back. The new haircut is working great, but it too, makes her look like more of a little girl. There are two pictures below of the haircut, and as you can see she still sports her signature smile. She wouldnt put the cheese nips down for me to take the picture!

J and I have started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace. Will feel blessed to have heard about this. It is not the funnest thing we have ever done, but it is teaching us discipline and we are doing really good with it so we are liking it. It is amazing how much we wasted every month. We are doing this more than anything, so that our children see us handle money frugally, and also so that we are prepared for the expense of college. We want to make wise choices with our money because God has blessed us so much!!

Well, sadly, there is nothing to exciting happening here. Just the daily routine of an almost two year old. I do have to brag for a moment and tell you all, that my little brother (who is like 6'1 and not so little) has hit 5 homeruns in the last 5 games and was voted the hitter of the week by his conference. I know this is a big deal to me because I am his sister, but I am just so proud of him!

I hope you enjoy a few pictures and have a great Easter and a great week!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

You Have Been So Patient...Thank You

That is something I say to Chloe on a daily basis when she does good at not yelling at me while I am doing my best to get her whatever it is that she needs; i.e. juice, snack, toy...well that is what I am saying to you all for waiting while the Meeks life calmed down enough for me to blog about it.

Jeremy is successfully recovering from his surgery and we appreciate all the prayers and calls. He was anxious to get back to work and did so last Thursday. He said he is "ramped up" for a big month...sounds like salesman lingo to me. I still have to remind him that there is an open wound on his body and that he needs to take it slow. It seems he is good at taking it slow on things like cleaning the kitchen, helping with laundry or fixing himself a plate, but seems to feel just fine for work or play. Guess that is a man thing.

During the time after surgery my old boss and I discussed me coming back to work JUST 3 days a week. I was planning on putting Chloe in pre school/Mothers day out anyways because I feel like it being just her and I after three months that she needs that interaction and the schedule. Not everyday, all the time...but it seems to work for her to have something that she can "go do." I guess she is like me in that regard. I am liking being back. I also went back last Thursday. I was really excited to wear all my shoes that I havent got to wear in a while. Like I said, only three days a week and I have off Fridays, so that gives me a good long weekend to travel and see family and friends. It also keeps me sain and gives me a little fun money to do some shopping with. This might not work for all families...but it does for ours.

Everyone is healthy again and we feel so blessed to have Jeremy's ordeal behind us! Chloe is silly and cute as can be. We have so much fun playing with her. She loves the zoo and does the cutest fish and giraffe impression. Her elephant impression is a little sketchy but we hope the more she watches her buddy Ethan she will get it. Her hair is getting longer and longer everyday and I have run out of things to do with it. She likes to pick out her bows in the morning and if I dont pull it up she gets mad that there is no bow.

This is life in the Meeks house. Pretty much back to normal. I will post pictures soon.