I found that title appropriate seeing how we also await to shuttle launch. Growing up in Houston I guess I always liked shuttle launches, we lived real close to NASA and when they would come back from space they would fly over my elementary school. I thought it was cool atleast! Anyways, Chloe's arrival is upon us, she is weighing in at approximately 5.5, but that is just according to what is "normal" and although I am ashamed to admit it, I have never been normal. But the point is she and I are doing wonderful according to the male doctor, who has never carried a baby and so it somewhat confused as to what wonderful is. Knowing we are literally in the homestretch gives me hope that I will indeed survive my first pregnancy. Although I have hated almost every minute of it, I will say that the excitment of waiting to see her little face and hear her sweet scream will be worth it. I enjoy feeling her move and know how big she is getting, but I cant wait to see those little fingers and toes, and know that there are ten of them and to see her wiggle and squirm out here. My nephew said (who is four) that he wants to be first to hold her but he would let me since she is my baby, but when I ask him if he was going to kiss all over her face, he said..."that is distusting and gwoss, the doctor will have just cut her out of your belly. how will the doctor get your stomach all back in after he cuts you in half to get her out?" My answer, "God just made girls so that we could have babies." I figure it best not to traumatize at such a young age. He does however think that as soon as she gets home he will take a bath with her...well cross that bridge of disappointment later. I am excited to see all of my nieces and nephews reactions although his are normally the most comical because of his age. My sister is worried about one thing...when can she hold her. I have promised everyone they will get their fair share, but Jeremy and I are pretty sure we wont hold her for a few days with that promise! :) Needless to say we are excited and waiting to meet this little girl. Well sorry, to one one blog reader, that i havent updated, I have gotten my energy back and everyone says that I am nesting. I hate that word, for anyone who actually knows me, they know that I am an organizational, ocd, freak and that everything has its place, this is just the old me coming out, not some new form on mommy dom~ I am not nesting, just feeling back to myself, and hopefully, although I am pretty sure Jeremy doesnt feel the same, I am hoping to feel even more like myself in the next few weeks. I just think for him it means actually having to hang his clothes up again and keep things more picked up! :)