The "AMEN" guy
I, for most of my childhood that I can remember, grew up in a very large baptist church in Houston. And when I say large, what I really mean is huge. There were thousands of members, so to be really well known you had to be somewhat famous. There was a particular gentleman and I never acutally saw what he looked like, I just remember calling him the "amen" guy. He was the one, who after every moving thing the preacher said would say "amen", but he didnt actually say amen, he said "MMEEEN" in a real deep low voice, but loud enough that the whole entire sancutary could hear it even up in the balcony. Now what spurred me to tell you this story is that this weekend we went and visited J's parents at their church they had a visiting preacher who got very "fired up" about his preaching and who preached for about an hour and a half, but this time during the service the "Amen" guy was actually my child. She was completely enthralled with this guy and everytime he would look in our direction she would "wave" at him and squeal, as if to say "preach on brother!" It actually became quite funny and prompted me to get up and leave in the middle of the very long sermon. Oh brother. I guess even though she has been raised in the Church of Christ the southern gospel seeped in through my genes. :) Here is a few pictures to make you smile for the week.