Pieces of Meeks

Monday, April 24, 2006

The "AMEN" guy

I, for most of my childhood that I can remember, grew up in a very large baptist church in Houston. And when I say large, what I really mean is huge. There were thousands of members, so to be really well known you had to be somewhat famous. There was a particular gentleman and I never acutally saw what he looked like, I just remember calling him the "amen" guy. He was the one, who after every moving thing the preacher said would say "amen", but he didnt actually say amen, he said "MMEEEN" in a real deep low voice, but loud enough that the whole entire sancutary could hear it even up in the balcony. Now what spurred me to tell you this story is that this weekend we went and visited J's parents at their church they had a visiting preacher who got very "fired up" about his preaching and who preached for about an hour and a half, but this time during the service the "Amen" guy was actually my child. She was completely enthralled with this guy and everytime he would look in our direction she would "wave" at him and squeal, as if to say "preach on brother!" It actually became quite funny and prompted me to get up and leave in the middle of the very long sermon. Oh brother. I guess even though she has been raised in the Church of Christ the southern gospel seeped in through my genes. :) Here is a few pictures to make you smile for the week.

Monday, April 03, 2006

All Girl

Sorry it has been few and far between since my last posts. Nothing exciting is happening except life just going on. Always busy. Anyways, this weekend we were commissioned to sing at a funeral for a dear friend of ours father. The songs were beautiful but difficult. Saturday afternoon we had to make a trip to the widows home, so I dressed Chloe up in a little Ralph Lauren green dress, with a big pink bow, braclet, earrings and little white sandals. Jeremy looked at her and said, "Oh my gosh, she is ALL girl." So it is official she IS all girl. She leaves her bow perfectly in place and holds her wrist just so, so you can see her braclet. She likes to squeal and smile at it, but never tries to pull it off. It is to funny when she is so dressed up because she just thinks she is too cute. She turned 8 months old on teh 28th of March and I cant believe how big she is.

Here is our funny Chloe story for the week:
I was changing a diaper ( a messy one) and she was holding a toy in her hand. This keeps her occupied and from crawling or rolling away. Well she dropped the toy behind her just as I pulled the soiled diaper open. The "grossness" was stuck on her tushie and I was about to wipe it off when she decided to pull herself into a head stand position and not let me bend her body. So there I am, holding a stiff baby, with a poopie hanging from her who is trying to stand on her head. At this point I am worried about two things...my carpet because if the poop drops and rolls off the changing pad from up above, and my childs neck which she is wanting to stand on. So in order to save both I do the only thing I can think to do, pull her up by her feet so that she will relax her body. Well that didnt work, it only made her start laughing hysterically and trying harder to reach her toy, like this is some new game we play. I am laughing so hard I can hardly see, but still can smell the other problem at hand. Finally, she decided she has had enough hanging upside down and lets me lay her back on the changing pad (which is on the floor by the way) and finish the diaper change before to much mess took place. So what would you have done?

I have posted pictures and want to point out the playgirl pose in her jammies, and her sharing her passy with daddy. Her new fun thing is to share the passy and then take it back and say ma, which we are pretty sure is MINE, especially since she yells it to a little girl at daycare who tries to steal her passy. Hope you enjoy the pictures...have a great week.