Only 7 More Days
It is only seven more days until my sweet peanut turns 8 months old. I really can hardly believe it. Time flies. Before I know it she will be a teenager. She is working hard on developing all of her new skills. Crawling is now up to just moving the knees forward instead of backward, which is making us mad that we are constantly moving away from mom when we are trying to move toward her. J likes to call her "extreme baby" because she likes to sat things on the floor so that she has to bend over and pick them up. This allows her to hang suspended from her bouncer seat. This seat that has provided many hours of rest for little girl will now be donated to the super weenie dog Oscar, who loves to lay in it and bark until we turn the vibration on. So congrtats to Oscar on the new bed. It has been a while since I posted on our "not so busy" super busy life. It seems like nothing new is happening, just the same busy schedule that keeps us wondering where the time goes. Chloe is now saying momma and dada and papa. They are sweet little words and I look forward to big sentences that are soon to come. She is a joy to watch everyday for us. She makes us laugh all the time, and her need to be UP and around all the "action" at our house it hilarious. It makes bed time quite the struggle when you think that you are being left out of everything so you wont go to bed without crying yourself to sleep. Wow, I am such a bad mommy. She really is ok people...I promise. We had family pictures taken the other day and they turned out really good. You can go to and see a few of them if you would like. So there really is no news in our boring little lives.