Pieces of Meeks

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Only 7 More Days

It is only seven more days until my sweet peanut turns 8 months old. I really can hardly believe it. Time flies. Before I know it she will be a teenager. She is working hard on developing all of her new skills. Crawling is now up to just moving the knees forward instead of backward, which is making us mad that we are constantly moving away from mom when we are trying to move toward her. J likes to call her "extreme baby" because she likes to sat things on the floor so that she has to bend over and pick them up. This allows her to hang suspended from her bouncer seat. This seat that has provided many hours of rest for little girl will now be donated to the super weenie dog Oscar, who loves to lay in it and bark until we turn the vibration on. So congrtats to Oscar on the new bed. It has been a while since I posted on our "not so busy" super busy life. It seems like nothing new is happening, just the same busy schedule that keeps us wondering where the time goes. Chloe is now saying momma and dada and papa. They are sweet little words and I look forward to big sentences that are soon to come. She is a joy to watch everyday for us. She makes us laugh all the time, and her need to be UP and around all the "action" at our house it hilarious. It makes bed time quite the struggle when you think that you are being left out of everything so you wont go to bed without crying yourself to sleep. Wow, I am such a bad mommy. She really is ok people...I promise. We had family pictures taken the other day and they turned out really good. You can go to lcphotography.blogspot.com and see a few of them if you would like. So there really is no news in our boring little lives.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Seven Months and Counting

We have some big news going on here in our town...get ready...its huge...the new free standing Chick-fila opened today. There were some morons who sat outside for twenty four hours to win free chick fila for a year. I mean really people...is the chicken that good? Yesterday I went to the ribbon cutting with a friend who is a member of the chamber. As they were introducing the manager and his wife, they also introduced their new nine week old baby. So tiny, so sweet, SO QUIET! I had to laugh a little thinking about just seven months ago when I had this quiet, tiny little girl who didnt make a peep. And then I thought about my conversation this morning with my SEVEN MONTH OLD. As she screamed at me with a grin, I asked her if she liked her outfit she was wearing (I loved it...thanks mimi) she squealed at me again. Then when I told her no because she wants to get out of her bouncer seat (toy about to be retired) she looked at me and raised her eyebrows and did it again, as if to say...what are you gonna do about it lady! I laughed (out loud this time) and thought about that little baby again at chick fila. Here I sit 7 months later, with a child who has her own opinion about almost everything. A child who thinks she needs to yell at her doggies and a child who has developed such a precious personality. I miss that little quiet baby, but I am glad she is so enthusiatic about her life. I have decided to post some pictures to remind everyone of what she started out like and where we are now. I promise I did not return the old baby for a new one, her hair just went from black to light brown. So enjoy the update in the Meeks life, as we try to figure out how to deal with our new problems of wanting to crawl, wanting out of our bouncer seat all the time and needing to go ALL THE TIME. She is also enjoying the warm days playing outside (as well as Oscar the super weiner dog) and her new favorite toy...the remote control.

This is Chloe on the day we came home from the hospital and at just a few weeks old...!

This is Chloe NOW... Happy 7 Months Little Princess! You are the most precious gift God has ever given us. We love you and your little personality more than you will ever know. Mimi and Pop used to tell me that I would understand when I had one of my own...they were right! I could stand and stare at you for hours and somehow you are growing up right before my eyes. You have ALMOST spent as much time outside, as you did inside mommies tummy. i love you little peanut!