Pieces of Meeks

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Just Another Update...With Pictures!

Wow how life has changed over the past month. It has been one month exactly since my last day at "work" and things seem still so surreal and different to me. As I sit here typing this I no longer hear the hustle and bustle of the sales floor, now I hear my 17 month old saying "mine" as if to explain to me that the computer keybored is hers. I have gone from suits, hose and heels to sweats, jeans and tenny (thats for you Summer) shoes. My cell phone that used to ring constantly with inventory or sales now only rings about once a day when I am out of the house and J is looking for me. The only inventory I am concerned with is that of our refrigerator and for the first time ever I ventured to Wal -Mart during the middle of the week this week. FYI: Monday at 9:30 am is the time to go to Wal-Mart. I have heard a myriad of opinions on "the way I seem to be now" Old co workers have told me I dont seem happy, true friends tell me I have a glow and my husband says I seem to have a peace about me. God tells me that beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am happy, at peace and believe that I am doing the most important job out there. I realized about 6 months ago that nothing I was doing would matter if in 3 years I looked up and my child didnt know me, my husband and I never communicated, and all I had to show for it was more money. I know, for me, that God put that there for a reason. He doesnt do that for everyone, because this isnt always the right choice for everyone, but it was for me. We have adjusted to the daily routines, Chloe is finally back to napping good and sleeping well at night and God has answered my biggest concern: Contentment. It isnt always easy to stay busy at this stage in the game, but the house is spotless, the laundry is done and there is always a meal on the table. Life at the Meeks house is going pretty well. She woke up this morning with a croupe cough and all I kept thinking was, "I am glad she doesnt have to go anywhere today" It is a wonderful feeling to not feel rushed. J pointed out last night that she is ok with him leaving for work and that she never was with me and that she is listening better. Her daycare did a wonderful job and the reality is that one day I will have to send her out into the big world of kindergarten, but for now she is able to be at home with me and learn from me...hopefully I am setting the right example. I am posting a few of my favorite pics from Hawaii finally and I hope you enjoy them...notice the one where she wont put her feet in the sand, it was so funny. She never did warm up to sand! Just like her mom!


At 7:08 AM , Blogger Allison said...

What part of Hawaii did yall go to? We went to Maui last May and it was AMAZING! You guys are WAY braver than we were in taking Chloe with you. Hudson stayed with my family while we were away. Matt and I wanted a "baby free" vacation. Selfish, I know, but we had a blast alone together.

Those pictures are great! The one of Chloe not wanting her feet in the sand is sooo funny. And your family picture is beautiful.

I am so glad you are staying home now. It really is a full-time job and far harder than anyone could ever imagine. But soo rewarding. Keep updating your blog! I love hearing Meeks news!

Ok, I wrote an essay time to go!

At 5:55 PM , Blogger Allison said...

I don't get why my comment isn't showing up. I hope you got it!! :)


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