Pieces of Meeks

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Meeks Update

Ok I just typed this whole blog and blogger ate it and so I have to retype evrything...sometimes I hate blogger.

Well it is official I am a stay at home mommy. Saturday was my last day that the office and it was bittersweet. Those guys are like my family and I will miss them all very much. I cried alot and Jeremy I think was a little worried that I was going to not actually leave but I know that I am making the right decision. It has been a great week. Chloe and I have both adjusted great to being at home together. We have talked ALOT about the Christmas presents under the tree because they seem to make her worry a whole lot. We have also read alot of books and I have spent time basically reclaming me house. I am loving having enough time to actually cook meals and put laundry up where it goes. I have loved working and I know that God has had a perfect plan in mind. Had I not worked I am not sure that I would appreciate the time I am able to spend doing some of the "mommy" things that I always did in such a rush and so hurridly. Having time to enjoy her talking to me or "helping" me do laundry is so much fun. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful husband and security so that I can have the gift of staying at home. He has answered numerous prayers to give me a peace and an understanding about my decision and He contimues to provide me with small reassurances that let me know that He is in control and I have made the right decision. To say it is not an adjustment in an understatment but I am doing better than I thought I would. So here I am...Chloe is napping and I am blogging. I truly can enjoy not having to hurry, rush or feel pressure and just getting to enjoy such a precious time for my family. Here are some pictures of thanksgiving long overdue. I had 20 people at the new house and loved it. I cooked and everyone visited and ate. The reason I loved this house when we bought it was because I could picture it filled with family and it was and I loved it! So enjoy the pictures... Notice the nice scab on our forehead. That came from trying to do everything by ourself...ahhh! 16 months and so busy!


At 3:10 PM , Blogger Alisha Stewart said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of stay-at-home mommies. It truly is a blessing to be able to stay at home with our children. I can't think of a more important job then raising up children in the Lord and staying at home with them makes that so much easier because we are the ones in control of what our children are exposed to throughout the day. Good for you Katie!


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