Pieces of Meeks

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Pap Smears and Lollipops...They Dont Go Together

Am I the worst blogger ever? Well it is honestly because I have had no time, BUT...that is all about to change. As of December 15th I am officially a stay at home mom. This decision came after alot of prayer and to be perfectly honest, a huge stirring in my heart to do this. Am I nervous? YES!!! I have never not worked. I have never stayed at home for longer than a 6 week period of maternity leave and even during that I continued to work. So it will be a huge adjustment for me. But I believe and have faith that because God has lead me to do this that he will also help me find the patience, contentment, sainness and ability to do this. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that this will be the hardest job that I have ever had, but the most rewarding. I have my moments of stress when I think about how our finances are about to change, or that I wont have anywhere to get dressed up to go and thinking of all my nice work clothes hanging there collecting dust makes me wonder what I am doing. Also when I go to work and realize how good I am at what I do it also scares me a little. No one will give me praise at home for doing things well, and it is definately a thankless job! So there it is I am staying at home and trying my hand at this mom thing...

Now enough of that grown up stuff, here is a cute Chloe antic for you. Mind you on both of these occassions I was not so amused and light hearted about the events that took place.

About three weeks ago, it was time for my lovely annual ladies check up. You know the one I am talking about girls...feet in stir ups! Need I say more. Well seeing that I had no other option I took Chloe with me. She walked proudly down the hallway and into the Doctors with mommy. Acting like such a big girl she ate some cheese nips, drank some juice and played on the floor while I waited to be tortured. I thought to myslef, this should go pretty smooth, look how good she is being. This, my friends, is called jinxing yourself. They called my name we went into the office, she sat and listened while the Doctor asked me how everything has been and proceeded to talk to the nurse who was handing her cheese nips in order to make friends. At the very moment the "torture chair" flipped me into the air she decided to find a sucker that I had stashed away in my purse. Being in somewhat of an "al fresco" situation I told her she would have to wait until mommy was done. I really meant to say when the freaking docotr gets done violating me then I can give you a lolli pop. At that moment my sweet child became possed. Bow was torn out of hair, body flailed wildley about on the floor, then going to limp noodle state when the nurse touched her, screaming blood curlding screams as though she was the one getting a pap smear. Finally, after all was handled my the good ole docotor, who by the way was not distracted in the least bit by her tantrum, finished. He let me down, to unwrap the lolli pop , as to which all temper tantrums ceased and she said, "taint tou mommy"! Oh the shame and embarrassment...and I am not talking about the pap smear!

Chloe antic two..."The Curse of Cool Cuts"...COMING SOON!


At 9:39 AM , Blogger Allison said...

come on meeks....get busy!!!

At 9:43 AM , Blogger Wendy said...

I'm excited for you about your upcoming transition!


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